Valentine’s Day is not just about candy and flowers. February is Heart Health Month and is a good time to consider giving yourself some love. Self-care is not selfish when you are taking care of your body, mind and spirit so that you may be more present for those who rely on you every day.
Heart health can be improved through massage by reducing stress. The stress hormone called Cortisol, over time can increase blood pressure and heart rate. If it becomes chronic, heart disease can develop and decrease your sense of well-being, ability to exercise, interfere with sleep and even contribute to chronic pain. When you receive a massage, endorphins – the body’s natural pain killers are secreted, causing pain relief and reduced heart rate, and ultimately result in decreased blood pressure.
When regular massage is performed, the circulatory system and lymphatic system (your immune system) will flow better. It’s like giving your body an oil change. The engine runs more smoothly and is less likely to break down when least expected. Maintaining your wellness doesn’t have to be a lot of effort. Finding the right combination of therapies and activities like meditation, exercise, acupuncture, stretching, or soaking in a bath can all add to your sense of well-being and strengthen your heart health over time.
Studies have shown that massage is safe for those with pacemakers and after heart surgery. It helps with healing and reducing pain. Massage therapy can be rendered after you receive a medical clearance from your doctor. If you have atrial fibrillation or have had phlebitis (blood clots) in the past, you could have an increased tendency to blood clots. As a precaution, it is best to avoid deep massage techniques in the lower body and legs.
Congestive heart failure can benefit from lighter, more soothing techniques in a semi-reclined position with the legs elevated. There is a secondary benefit of reducing stress which helps breathing for those who may have more advanced disease. Again, it is important to discuss with your physician. A professional massage therapist will ask you pertinent questions when they see you and will take the necessary precautions to keep you safe and comfortable.
Consider making a new commitment to self-care. Massage can be a great way to show your body how much you care and in turn, your body will reciprocate.