Veterans Administration (VA)

Therapeutic Kneads, Ltd. is happy to provide services to our Veterans through the Veterans Administration (VA). We are a proud Community Care Provider to our local veterans located in the Chicagoland area for massage therapy services. If you are a veteran and are eligible to receive care from a Community Care Provider, we can help you with your pain and stress recovery.

Here are a few tips to get started on the path to wellness:

  1. Visit the VA website on Community Care Providers to educate yourself about the process to ensure that you can get the care you need. Community Care – Community Care (
  2. You must get a VA referral/authorization from an approved provider (physician).
    Once we receive an approved referral/authorization letter, you can proceed with making an appointment.
  3. Appointments can be made by the VA or you can make your own appointment and then contact the VA to notify them of the appointment details.
  4. Generally, the VA will approve 12 treatments in most cases. The first hour is an evaluation and treatment. The next 10 visits are limited to a half hour each, with the last visit being an hour for a follow-up evaluation and treatment.
  5. Therapeutic Kneads will bill the VA each visit for the hands-on time spent with you. If more time is needed, a Request for Services form can be sent to the VA that we will fill out to ask for approval of more time during the course of treatment (we must provide documentation for complexity for chronic or acute conditions) or request additional treatments after the first course of treatments are completed.
  6. Along with the electronic billing, we will also forward the SOAP note charting of the treatment to the VA after each visit.
  7. You will not be billed for any services or balances. No insurance card is needed, only the confirmation letter from the VA stating that you are eligible for benefits and are approved for treatment.


For any questions, please contact us. We are here to help.

Get Your Massage “Kneads” Met

Drug-free Pain Relief Slow the Aging Process Speed Recovery from Injury Boost Immune System Improve Sleep Quality
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