

You’ll Go Far with a Self-Care Travel Kit

Your long-awaited vacation has finally arrived! If only travel was as luxurious as the destination. Traveling takes a toll on anybody, whether you are an infrequent flyer or a jet-setter. Frequent travel can lead to…

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National Skin Month: How Therapeutic Kneads Promotes Healthy Skin with Massage

National Healthy Skin Month: How Therapeutic Kneads Promotes Healthy Skin with Massage

November is national skin month, and we hope that we’ve inspired you to take your skincare routine more seriously! And it doesn’t just stop there — make sure your massage therapist, manicurist, and aesthetician are also doing their part to keep your skin healthy by using all-natural skincare products. You owe it to yourself to be responsible for your well-being so don’t ever hesitate to ask what someone is putting on your skin. After all, if you protect your largest organ, it will promote your overall health.

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – Handle with Care!

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Handle with Care!

According to the Mayo Clinic, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that’s triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event.  When you hear the term PTSD, you think of veterans. It could also be first-responders, someone involved in a crime or accident, or someone who experienced abuse. For those who suffer from this diagnosis, that feeling can stay with them and never be fully resolved.  That fear and stress continues, even after the danger has been long gone…

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Drug-free Pain Relief Slow the Aging Process Speed Recovery from Injury Boost Immune System Improve Sleep Quality
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