Self-Care is Not Selfish

Self-Care is Not Selfish

If you are one of the 69% of those surveyed by People Magazine on self-care habits, you are planning to do more self-care in 2022 than in 2021. In addition to that, 45% of the respondents said they would move, sell personal belongings, and even give up their favorite food to find more time for self-care.

Where will you find the time to take better care of your mind and body? New Year’s resolutions can result in “wishes” versus achievements unless you put actions behind them to accomplish the goal or objective you have set for yourself. Many people wait until they are feeling ill or stressed before they pay attention to their own needs, others use self-care as a reward after a long week or milestone reached.

The benefits of self-care can outweigh any challenges in finding time to devote to yourself. It can provide a boost to your self confidence, make you more productive, and can even add to your happiness. To care for others, you need to recharge your own battery first.

Here are 5 suggestions for finding time to devote to your own wellness:

  1. Put yourself down on your own schedule at least weekly to do something that restores you, if even for only 15 minutes. What is important to you, makes it onto your calendar.
  2. New year, new deductible for your health insurance. Be sure to get the most from your health benefits by scheduling for the year your annual checkups for dental, vision and mammograms.
  3. Take a break from social media for a day. You will be surprised at the amount of time you will regain for doing something more positive.
  4. Eat a light lunch on your break, then take a walk and listen to your favorite music or meditation app.
  5. Get a membership at a gym, yoga studio or massage therapy center so that it will compel you to schedule something regularly. That monthly charge on your card is your motivation to stay focused on you and your needs.

The holidays will come and go and so can your health. Don’t make empty promises to take better care of your mind and body and then go back to old habits of neglect. Take charge and make yourself a priority.

Those who love and care about you will also appreciate that you took the time – self-care reduces the need for healthcare and ensures you will be around to enjoy life with them for years to come.

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