Catching some ZZZ’s with Massage

Sleeping during a massage

You tell yourself that you want to stay awake for your massage and not miss a minute of howgood it feels. Yet, after only 10 minutes in, you’re drifting into […]

Massage Therapy Gives a Hug to Your Heart

Massage therapy gives a hug to your heart

During times of stress, have you noticed that your heartbeat jumps to your throat, yourmuscles start to feel like a boa constrictor is coiling around you, and your breath rapidlyfires […]

Making Sense of Holiday Scents

Aromatherapy and essential oils holiday scents

Aromatherapy has been around for thousands of years. The use of essential oils was used as far back as3500 B.C. During Roman times, plant-based oils were used in ceremonies, burials […]

Massage – Men and Vets Knead It

Massage Therapy for US vets in Highland Park

In advertisements for massage, you see the proverbial woman lying face down with her head turned andhair in a towel. Why don’t you see men in those photos? The truth […]

Fact or Myth? – Massage Can Spread Cancer Cells

Massage Therapy with two people giving a massage therapy session

According to the American Cancer Society’s recent publication,” Cancer Facts and Figures for 2023”more than 18 million Americans that have had a history of invasive cancer and in 2023, it […]

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